

The getElementById() method is a commonly used method in JavaScript that allows you to select and manipulate a specific HTML element on a web page based on its unique ID. This method returns a reference to the first element with the specified ID, allowing you to modify its properties or manipulate its contents as needed. The getElementById() method is often used to change an element's text content, CSS style, or add event listeners to an element. When using getElementById(), it's important to ensure that the ID you're using is unique, otherwise the method may not select the correct element. getElementById() is a quick and efficient way to select a specific element on a web page, making it a valuable tool for JavaScript developers.


The getElementById() method is a commonly used method in JavaScript that allows you to select and manipulate a specific HTML element on a web page based on its unique ID. This method returns a reference to the first element with the specified ID, allowing you to modify its properties or manipulate its contents as needed.

Here is an example of how to use the getElementById() method:


Hello, World!
var element = document.getElementById("myDiv");

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In this example, we are selecting the HTML element with the ID "myDiv" and storing it in a variable called "element". We can now manipulate this element as needed using JavaScript. Here are some common ways to use the getElementById() method: Changing an element's text content


var element = document.getElementById("myDiv");
element.innerHTML = "New text content";

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This code selects the element with the ID "myDiv" and changes its innerHTML property to "New text content". Changing an element's CSS style


var element = document.getElementById("myDiv"); = "red";

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This code selects the element with the ID "myDiv" and changes its text color to red. Adding event listeners to an element


var element = document.getElementById("myDiv");
element.addEventListener("click", function() {
  alert("Element clicked!");

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This code selects the element with the ID "myDiv" and adds a click event listener to it. When the element is clicked, an alert message will be displayed. In conclusion, the getElementById() method is a powerful tool for selecting and manipulating HTML elements in JavaScript. By using this method, you can easily modify the properties and contents of specific elements on your web page, making your web pages more dynamic and interactive.


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